I think I have a right to lust after this $130 gloomy bear x baby the stars shine bright hoodie type thing.. LOOK HOW EFFIN CUTE IT IS!!
there's a possibility of taking this idea and possibly making it myself with a similar cut off hoodie.. I have a yellow one to practice on..
okay so it's a little much and sorta weird.. but you get to pick your colors and I think it's pretty cute, plus it's totally unique.
onto non material things...
for being the first day of a new year, today wasn't as good as it could have been.
the main reason being I was stuck in bed, or on the toilet hating my life for a good 2 to 3 hours. YOU SUCK BAD PERIODS!! -shakes fist in anger towards crotchal regions-
buuuut after the pain killers kicked in all was good in the neighborhood. and I felt good enough to get on the internet and decide what I would love to waste money on, as you can see. :D
things to do tonight:
-paint nails
-CRAFTS!! got lots o' ideas.
-sketch remaining craft ideas
sure to be a peaceful and nice night. until the pain killers die down. D:
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