NHD is nearing closer and closer. Am I done? uhh... not totally.
so these next few days before friday will be major cram days. not that I have much left, but still.
soo.. DON'T DISTRACT ME TOO MUCH! i get nothing done...
anyway, these past few days have been.. just alright.
I don't wanna sound like a weirdo hippie, but I think I'm getting closer to really starting to find myself. Like, I'm starting to understand myself better, and I'm appreciating things a lot more than I usually do. I guess part of me is finally growing up. I dunno. I've been seeing the growth and improvement, but I guess we all see things differently.
Also, I've been being a bit more spiritual lately. Our church had communion sunday. I don't usually even pay attention, and rather zone out all of church, but i actually LISTENED this time. and lemme tell ya, I'm glad I did. I got a lot of things off my chest that day, I even felt like God was actually listening. I want to be a better person on this earth, and in God's eyes. Don't think I'm a scary Jesus freak for saying that. I'm not, you guys should know me better. But I do think that a person can better themselves with the help of God.
I didn't really wanna share that, cause I know about 50% of my friends couldn't care less about God. But it's part of me, so suck it if you don't like it.
finally, if I'm acting mean or grouchy, it's just that I've been stressed out lately. Don't really want to go into it, cause I just don't feel like talking about it with just about anyone.
so yeah. Sorry if I'm moody. :/